T’was the week before Christmas……
…… and something was stirring......
……The Festival of Saturnalia
The World Culture and Archaeology departments at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery held a Winter Festival Discovery Day on Sunday 15th December. 
During the Roman Empire, The Festival of Saturnalia was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn which is in the Roman Forum. There was a public banquet and private gift giving as well as lots of parties and a carnival atmosphere. At the Museum, we celebrated through craft activities, making masks of the God Saturn, decorating gift boxes with stars and moons and making 3D stars.
World Cultures highlighted the winter traditions of cultures around the world such as Father Christmas’ shaman connections and the Museums amazing Inuit material which included a beautifully crafted baby’s sealskin coat.

Baby Sealskin Coat © Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives

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