We - the archaeology department – have been getting ready for two Roman themed family activity days next week. 

The first day is at Lawrence Weston Community Farm and we will be eating Roman food and making Roman coins. I have had great fun finding out what people in the Roman Empire ate!! Baked Apples and Calf’s Brain, Ostrich Stew and the most popular sauce in the whole of the Roman Empire – Garum or what we call Fish Sauce
The making of garum is really disgusting so I won’t describe it in graphic detail. You just take fish parts, soak them in salt for about 3 months in the sun, separate the clear liquid from the remaining fleshy bits and there you have it – Homemade Garum!

I did come across a very interesting fact about Apple Cider - Romans didn’t invent it!! Apple Cider was already being made and drunk in Britain before the Romans arrived. The Romans decided that they liked apple cider so much that
they started to plant orchards to make more.
Picture© Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
The second day is called Remarkable Romans and it is at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. There are going to be activities all over the museum building and you can learn more about what the Romans did for us! The Roman soldiers from the Ermine Street Guard were so popular at the ‘Roman Empire: Power & People ’Exhibition Opening that we asked them to come back for Remarkable Romans!!

I learnt several new facts about the Romans this week!

Did you know…?
The beehive, helmet, hair bouquet and pillbox are all modern names which have been given to Roman hairstyles!

Fun Fact! 
Julius Caesar loved wearing a laurel wreath because it covered up his bald patch!

I couldn’t believe it!!
Roman soldiers could march 20 miles (30 km) a day wearing their armour and carrying 30kg of equipment!

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